Enjoying the glorious day with Sabine Merz at Red Fire Farm
Winter CSAs anyone?
I’m going to pick up my first of a short 2-month winter share from Red Fire Farm and visit the coolest bookstore in the planet. My certified organic share today? Skinny leeks, field lettuce (mild and bitter mix), emerald green spinach leaves, kale, collards,
carrots, broccoli,radicchio, turnips, red radish, delicata squash, Red Maria potatoes and a bonus item of imperfect brussels sprouts on their stalk.
First Easy to assemble dish?
Grate together brightly flavored fresh carrots and turnips. Toss in white wine vinegar, sugar, salt and fresh chopped mint. A fall coleslaw. Lovely topping for a toss of field greens with a light lemon-garlic dressing.
In a flash, self-taught, innovative perfectionist Charlie Trotter is dead…
We’re just pigs to the Slaughter
China just bought our pork production. I see the future here…